About Me

With the birth of my son, Jaxon, in 2012 I became passionate about finding products for him that I knew were safe, natural and that I knew wouldn't destroy our bank account.  

After doing lots of research while I was pregnant, I found some all natural products but most of these still had ingredients that I couldn't pronounce and some cost a small fortune.  I realized that if I created my own handmade products, everything was in my control.  If I knew exactly what was in the diaper cream I was using on my son, I didn't need to worry about any harmful chemicals or unknowns that would most likely, come back to haunt us in the years to come.  

My primary goal is to give everyone an affordable choice when it comes to what they put on their skin and the skin of the little ones in their life.  I've made many versions of every one of my products and when I'm happy with them, they become available to you!  Because I know exactly what is in the products I create and use on my own family, you can rest assured that they are the best choice for you and yours!


Naturally Yours,